Asset Integity Management (AIM)/Risk Based Inspection RBI
The continous assessment process applied throughout design, construction, installation and operations to assure that the facilities are and remain to be fit for purpose.
Complience with company standards, regulatory, and legislative requirement.
Assurance of technical integrity by the application of risk based or risk informed engineering principles and techniques.
Delivery of the required safety, environment and operational performance.
retention of the license to operate.
Optimization of the activities and the resources required to operate the facilities whilst maintaining system integrity.
Assurance of the facilitiesfitness for purpose
Strategy: Risk Based Assessment, Roles, Responsibilities
Planning: Inspection, Monitoring, Mitigations Program
Execution: Implementation of planned activities
Reporting: Data processing, establish corrective action
Analyzing: Fitness for Service, failure assessment
Corrosion Integrity Management System (CIMS)
Pipeline & Riser Integrity Management System (PIMS)
Top side Pressure Integrity Management System (SFIMS)
Structural Integrity Management System (SIMS)
Marine Floating System Integrity Management System (FSIMS)
Electrical and Instruments Integrity Management System