Internal Corrosion Monitoring

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PT Tri Mulya Gemilang in conjunction with Metal Samples offers a full range of corrosion monitoring systems, including access fittings for highpressure/temperature systems to insert and retrieve probes, chemical injection systems, quills, and nozzles. Probes include ER, LPR, erosion, hydrogen, biological, and custom. Corrosion instruments include portable meters, transmitters, and data loggers.

Other products include corrosion test coupons, holders, insertion systems, and test racks. Laser cladding and manufacturing services are also available.

Corrosion Coupon

Accurate monitoring of corrosion rates in any environment is critical when viewed in terms of the maintenance and repair costs associated with corrosion and material failure. Test coupons provide an inexpensive means of on-line monitoring that will allow you to effectively measure the corrosivity within your system. By observing the mils-per-year corrosion rate of an exposed coupon, valuable information can be provided regarding the material’s life expectancy.

E/R Corrosion Probe

Electrical resistance (ER) corrosion probes are commonly used in petroleum, chemical processing, and other environments where on-line corrosion rate readings are required. Whereas test coupons must be removed from the process for evaluation, corrosion probes can allow corrosion rate determination without probe removal. Since these probes are made-in-house, we can offer rapid turnaround times and products manufactured according to your requirements for temperature, pressure, and other conditions. Hydrogen, sampling, injection, and custom-designed probes can be made as well.

Access Fitting

High Pressure Access Systems are specialized piping arrangements which permit internal access to production plant vessels and pipework operating under full process conditions. The corrosion monitoring industry standard for such access systems is based on a 2-inch nominal bore design. When operated with a Retrieval Tool and Service Valve, high pressure access systems allow the installation and retrieval of: coupon holders, E/R Probes and Chemical Injection and Sampling Probes, Quills & Nozzles.


PT Tri Mulya Gemilang in conjunction with Metal Samples offers a complete line of corrosion monitoring instruments / meters for both electrical resistance (ER) and linear polarization resistance (LPR) probes, and for specialized monitoring.