Health, Safety And Environment Policy

       With this policy, PT TRI MULYA GEMILANG require all activities to consider aspects of K3 and environmental impact, which all employees, subcontractors and everyone in the workplace receive and assign your verily together to prevent accidents and illness fatal occupational, including preventing equipment damage critical the company’s operational and environmental damage.

          We explain the principle – the principle of K3 and environmental protection equivalent to the business goals. Further, we believe that the implementation of K3 Management System at work and environmental protection into managerial responsibility at all levels in the company, in which all parties contribute directly to the efficiency and overall business success.

          In accordance with the object and purpose of the policy set K3, this policy is applied every operational activity by all employees or personnel who work on behalf of PT TRI MULYA GEMILANG.

           K3 management and environmental protection requires consistency in attention. We promoting the K3 behavior as well as the actual operational activities carried out in order to meet the standards K3LH management system that has been set. K3LH documentation standards refer to the specification OHSAS 18001 and follows the regulatory requirements related Indonesia.

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Quality Policy

Our objective is to provide services, expectation at all times without harm to people, property, equipment or the environment.

Company quality objective for 2016 have been establish and include:  

  • Total quality and safety are top priorities.
  • The customer is the focus of everything we do.
  • Customer requirements, statutory and regulatory requirements are to be complied as part of business practice.
  • Continual improvement is essential
  •  Every employee has the responsibility to make a contribution to improvement.
  • Our partners are our customers, suppliers and communities.
  • Our integrity must never be compromised.

Environment Protection Policy

PT TRI MULYA GEMILANG management and all employees, including sub-contractors involved in the company is committed to safeguard the environment and environmental energy sources in performing its duties and obligations.

For that, we accept the responsibility of protecting the environment, preventing pollution and lower consumption of non-renewable energy sources, including observance of legal regulations and other regulations regarding environmental protection and associated with the operation of our company.

Management establishes a framework for the protection and study of the environmental protection objectives and targets through KPI project and performance management process was evaluated through Management Review.

The environmental policy is an addition of HSE policy, documented and disseminated. We also implement, maintain and communicate to all employees, including considering environmental aspects and attention to the local community and environment.

08 August

Drug And Alcohol Policy

Our management of PT TRI MULYA GEMILANG realize that employees who consume alcoholic beverages (liquor / alcohol) or taking drugs – drugs that are prohibited without a prescription, has the potential to cause damage or accidents. So to everyone who works on behalf of companies banned from use in the workplace

  • Consumption of MIRAS and drugs in the workplace can lead to death or injury / wound on employees
  • The consumption of drugs in the MIRAS and may cause interference or project implementation and effectiveness of work processes in the company
  •  therefore, the Company prohibits and does not tolerate employees who consume MIRAS and drugs in the workplace and during work on behalf of PT TRI MULYA GEMILANG

Everyone who owns or uses or stores for consumption in the workplace will be subject to disciplinary action up to termination of employment in accordance with Law No. 13/2003 on manpower.

All levels of management guarantee policy including leader is delivered properly to all employees including subcontractors.

Quality Assurance

As our commitment in QHSE, PT Tri Mulya Gemilang has been certified as ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 company

ISO 9001:2015

Quality Management System

ISO 14001:2015

Environment Management System

ISO 45001:2018

Occupational Health & Safety