PT Tri Mulya Gemilang held a Ramadhan Iftar Jama’i event for it’s employees which was held at the Aston Priority Hotel located on Jalan TB Simatupang No.2, South Jakarta on Tuesday 17 May 2022. This Ramadhan Iftar Jama’i activity was held again after 3 year with no such activities due to the pandemic conditions in […]
Kick off Meeting Contract No. 4710005531 Corrosion & Integrity Management Services (CIMS) discusses work preparation with a 5 year contract period. This event was attended by both management and team of PHE ONWJ and PT Tri Mulya Gemilang as contractor. Contract Scope of Work: 1. Corrosion Services, Corrosion Monitoring and Control Services. 2. Integrity Services, Company Asset Management Services.